We are dealing with a slow crisis. We are used to a crisis being now and urgent and stirring fight or flight hormones that cause us to drop everything and face the crisis. So, the difficulty with the climate crisis (and other planetary challenges) is that for most of us, the fight or flight hormones are not kicking in. Additionally, that crisis is a wicked problem that tends to leave us overwhelmed (“what can little me do about such a big problem?”), uncertain if we can make a difference at all, and if so, how? In this workshop, we will focus on the professional life of agile leaders in their organizations and will present a strategy for creating necessary internal and external connections that can help us better react NOW to this slow crisis in our everyday work. Furthermore, we will explore how to overcome the helplessness many people feel with such a wicked problem. We will not only create small experiments that we all can specifically do as agile leaders but also as a group we will organize a way to get feedback on these experiments from the whole conference. This way, the whole conference can start to hear the “silent scream of the planet” and both the participants of the workshop and the whole conference can mutually benefit from these experiments.
Piet Heinkade 179
Amsterdam 1019 HC
climate crisis
planetary challenges
slow crisis