XP 2021 Speaker Guide

Congratulations on being accepted as a speaker for XP 2021!

All speakers are invited to pre-record their talks. The following tracks are required to pre-record:

  • Research Papers
  • Experience Reports
  • Lighting Talks
  • Workshop Papers

For questions about pre-recording please contact Mark Lochrie, XP 2021 Virtualization Chair

Deadline to submit your recorded talk: May 31, 2021

Recording presentations: Research Papers, Experience Reports, Lightning Talks, Workshop Papers, Empirical Studies


All videos will be viewed prior to being uploaded to virtual platform. XP 2021 Program Team will not be able to accept any videos that are over time limit. Times before do not included Q & A at end which will be live. 

  • Pre-recorded talks need to be the following lengths:
    • Full Research papers - 10 minutes
    • Short research paper - 5 minutes
    • Experience Reports - 12-15 minutes
    • Lightning talks - 5 minutes
    • Workshop papers - 5 or 10 minutes (check with your workshop chair)
    • Empirical Studies – 5 minutes

When recording your talk, you should consider the following:

  • Turn off any alerts on your computer, silence your mobile phone and other devices.
  • Please be seated in a well-lit room - consider using a ring light for your face, but also have natural light or background light illuminating the space as well for balance.  Try to balance the lighting so that all of your face is evenly lit.
  • Set your camera so that the frame includes your head and upper body
  • Consider using an external microphone or headset for better sound quality.
  • You may want to prepare a script, however, then do not read it aloud. Try to follow it sentence by sentence, without reading word by word
  • Take it easy while speaking no need to be rushed. You can typically cover up to 170 words pr. Minute. e.g., a 5-minute talk should contain no more than 850 words (count them in your word editor), a 10-minute talk 1700 words
  • Prepare and time your talk. It is better to take less than your allocated time than go over time
  • Take note of your halfway mark. Once you get to that point and you aren’t through your “script” then move along a bit quicker. Or start all over - after a few trials you will nail it! 
  • Practice being natural…imagine if you are talking to a friendly person who is interested in what you have to say. And don’t worry about minor speaking mistakes…we all make them. But when you talk, speak as if you are just having a conversation
  • Record the video showing both yourself as speaker and then the slides:
  • Introduce yourself with a smile. Your name, affiliation, title of your talk, and begin your presentation

Saving Your Recording

  • Please name your file as follows:
    •  <Day>_<NameOfSpeaker>._<TitleOfPresentation>_<TypeOfSession><.extension>. 
      • In particular:
        • - Day of presentation -> YYYY-MM-DD
        • - NameOfSpeaker -> Camel case starting from family name
        • - TitleOfPresentation -> Camel case
        • - TypeOfSession -> RP, IP, ER, LT, RW, DS, OS, L, DI or AG 
          • for research paper, industry&practice, experience report, lightning talk, Research workshops, doctoral symposium, onsite research, leadership track, diversity and inclusion, agile games, respectively
      • For example: “2020-06-08 _MuskElonR_ThisIsMyTitle_RP.mp4”



Preparing Your Poster 

  • Unlike a traditional poster session, where you will print your posters in either landscape/portrait at A0 or A1, the virtual poster session does not necessarily require you to produce a poster of this size. You should aim to have a poster that can be read clearly without too much zoom but cover all the necessary topics you wish to convey on your poster.
  • We suggest A3 would be fine.

Saving Your Poster

Save your poster as both JPEG and PDF format

  • Please name your files as follows:
    • <Day>_<NameOfSpeaker>_<PosterTitle>._<P><.extension>. 
      • In particular:
        • - Day of presentation -> YYYY-MM-DD
        • - NameOfSpeaker -> Camel case starting from family name
        • - PosterTitle -> Camel case
    • For example: “2020-06-08 _MuskElonR_ThisIsMyTitle_P.pdf”
      or “2020-06-08 _MuskElonR_ThisIsMyTitle_P.jpeg”

During the conference

  • Your poster will be displayed in the Poster and Empirical Studies Hall along with your name, and bio for attendees to learn more
  • You will be expected to be online from 3:30 to 14:30 BST on Wednesday June 16. Authors will have a meeting room link where attendees can come talk to them about their poster

Submitting Your Files

  • Please upload your presentation on the appropriate links below
  • Password XP2021
  • You will need to provide your name, email address and any comments you want us to see. We will need this information to arrange your recording and to contact you if there are any issues with the submission.
  • When you are ready ‘add files’ and click ‘start upload’
  • Please make sure you are ready to upload before you upload as you will only have ‘write’ rights and therefore won’t be able to delete if the upload is incorrect.

Presenting Live: Industry & Practice, Gamification & Facilitation, Panels, Industry & Games Workshops, Workshop Chairs

  • If you are presenting live, you might be familiar with the process now. But these points are just some best practices we’ve observed over the last year. We will be using Zoom to facilitate the virtualisation of the conference.
  • Familiarise yourself with Zoom’s features.
  • Think about your physical environment – you might want to use any of the virtual backgrounds https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/210707503-Virtual-Background
  • If you are presenting a video, make sure you have it local to your machine and not streamed from YouTube as the quality will be greatly decreased. 
  • Make sure you mute any notifications on your computer, mobile or tablet. This can be distracting to you and the audience.
  • Think about what you are presenting – making your slides simple yet visually appealing.
  • Check your equipment: internet connection, audio/video, if using a laptop (have it plugged in), adjust camera level (your head in the centre).
  • Rehearse!
  • Make eye contact with your audience.
  • Regularly pause to engage. 

  • Speakers will receive a calendar invite with the direct zoom link into their session and details on what time to arrive for their session
  • Pre-recorded presenters are expected to come prepared for live Q & A following their session
  • Review our on-camera tips here