When you have demand for building products around automation for 10 business verticals in your organization, how do you go about it? The situation becomes more complex when your company and business teams have never been into software development and are not sure what it takes to build the product that they are asking for. This experience report is about Acuity Knowledge Partners (Acuity) journey of mastering the art of building successful products by successfully using Agile to deliver the products by the customer and for the customer.
Acuity Knowledge Partners is a leading provider of high-value research, analytics and business intelligence to the financial services sector. The company services top financial institutions and consulting companies through a variety of domain led service offerings. We provide service excellence in our offerings by leveraging our understanding of business domains and processes. Four years ago we saw an opportunity to supplement our services with full fledge products (our proprietary technology and automation solutions) to better satisfy our customer business requirements.
In past we had developed bits and pieces of software but not at the scale that has the potential to digitally transform a company to having multiple teams work on portfolio of products. Our Agile transformation journey started in 2017 when the company realized that along with Domain led service offerings, we also needed to consider refining our product offerings by utilizing a combination of technology automation and our subject matter expertise. This not only involved building software tools to automate service deliverables but also develop some next gen products we can take to market to win new deals.
This experience report is based on agile transformation journey at Acuity Knowledge Partners (former Moody’s analytics knowledge services) initiated couple of years back to take the company on an automation journey for its various business units. The company has been strategically working on building products for its 10 business units