This talk will discuss some fundamental ideas surrounding the XP, Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery, DevOps, and Lean Agile movements, for which we've adopted an umbrella term: Continuous Product Delivery (CPD). Implementing CPD requires us to consider three areas: 1) team culture and development practices, 2) software architecture and deployment strategies, and 3) continuous testing. Often, these are discussed independently and tackled in isolation, but we believe in the importance of a single coordinated effort to continuously optimize for these three areas. In addition, it seems that the terms CI/CD and DevOps have shifted from their original definitions and intentions. Nowadays, these terms seem to imply the usage of certain tools, and no longer whether teams are capable of delivering changes quickly, safely, and sustainably. To compound this problem, business stakeholders are often not included in CI/CD initiatives or they perceive them as a purely engineering concern. Using this new term " CPD " has allowed us to better engage with teams and to reintroduce the original definitions while bringing more focus on product delivery in conjunction with team improvements in terms of Technical Agility.