"Welcome to Melbourne! If you don't like the weather, wait 10 minutes." This interactive session will see us build advanced paper prototypes and reflect on Lean Startup principles applied to product development in organizations. We will practically demonstrate that: You don't need more than 5 minutes and $3 to generate great value. Every unvalidated effort beyond this scale is wasted. You have all the means necessary to stop your organization from wasting so much. Using Melbourne's weather as a theme will give us a perfect playground and highlight how important it is to question the value brought by established things. Shy inventors will understand that no idea is too big and learn a good way to start bringing their dreams into reality. Lean Startup: We will design solutions to solve Melburnians’ frustration with their changing weather, build prototypes, and validate our assumptions with real people to prove we have something worth taking forward. Advanced Paper Prototyping: It is possible to immerse customers in an experience with minimal investment. Using advanced paper prototyping techniques, we will build solutions that feel more than real to achieve a critical step in solution development: getting feedback.