As complexity and the pace of change increases around us, we believe visuals and their ability to communicate quickly and effectively are an increasingly effective business tool - remember A picture is worth a thousand words. In our Visual Agile Coaching workshop we will explore using visuals as a powerful collaborative tool in the Agile domain, enabling participants to start their own Visual Agile Coaching journey. The workshop features many elements from our Visual Agile Coach Playbook (scheduled to be published by the British Computing Society in 2024), where we have combined visuals with the agile growth mindset to provide powerful ideas and solutions for improved communication, engagement, delivery of value and fun! Our workshop provides an immersive Visual Agile Coaching experience, introducing both Visual Practices and our own Visual Agile Coaching Toolkit with a blend of proven models, new ideas and immersive tools and templates. The workshop is fully interactive with participants encouraged to get drawing and start collaborating throughout. Agile is already a visual way of working, we will show how Visual Agile Coaching is perfect for progressive ways of working enthusiasts, whether leading change or leading teams and a catalyst for positive coaching led interactions.