An all-too-common problem in agile teams I have worked with is that team members struggle with story slicing, estimating, planning, and keeping focus. This occurs despite having all the tools and knowledge to master these disciplines. As their Scrum Master, I should be the person who helps them with these things, but I found myself struggling just as much and could not understand why. That was until I found out that 1-2 in every 10 people are neurodivergent, and I am one of them. I am here to tell you that many agile practices create resistance and unique challenges for neurodivergent people. With this Experience Report, I want to take you through my personal journey in discovering how my neurodivergent brain works and where I identified my struggles with agile practices. I ultimately want to broaden your understanding of neurodivergence and inspire you to rethink resistance to agile ways of working. I will also explain how some of the core values and principles of agile clash with neurodivergence.